UBITECH participated and sponsored, as a Gold Sponsor, the 1st Cyber Security Conference which was held in Thessaloniki on April 27, 2023. The conference concluded its actions having great success and attracted the interest of professionals and research scientists from the cyber security and cyber insurance domains.
The attendance at the 1st Cyber Security Conference exceeded all expectations, with over 200 conference attendees, as well as 400+ online participants, who followed the keynote speeches and presentations from experts around cyber security and cyber insurance domains.
Among the conference experts, Dr. Dimitris Papamartzivanos, member of the Digital Security & Trusted Computing Group at UBITECH Ltd, gave a keynote speech under the title “Building Trust: From embedded devices to trustworthy AI”, highlighting the core technologies developed by UBITECH. In the context of this keynote speech, Dimitrios presented the CYSMET platform.
UBITECH’s presence attracted the interest of the participants who had the chance to visit the physical and the virtual stands of the company and get informed about the innovative solutions and research projects being developed in-house. Among them, at the fore front of UBITECH’s stand, the visitors had the chance to meet the CYSMET platform, a solution that enables Integrated, Dynamic & Collaborative Risk Management System for Maritime Transport & Supply Chains.
More details regarding the program of the 1st Cyber Security Conference and UBITECH’s presence can be found in https://cybersecurityconference.gr/.